Hummingbird Electronics Silent Horn – Elite System for Trucks is a replacement for noisy machine horns on mining and construction sites where noise reduction is paramount.
Operators are now able to contact drivers of trucks with a simple press of a button. Truck drivers receive a visual and audio alert and can identify which loader is contacting them; all without any external noise.
Vehicles can pair with each other, meaning less distraction for the operator. Additionally, by using GPS, only vehicles within a set perimeter can be made to receive horn signals, reducing distraction and ultimately making worksites safer.
Elite System for Trucks
The HMSM2000DKIT – Elite System for Trucks consists of two core components; the display and antenna.
The display and antenna communicate using proven RS485 comms, enabling simple wiring runs between modules.
Both the display and antenna are interchangeable allowing easy maintenance and plug-in replacement. The display can be configured to operate as a truck or digger.
The antenna module is completely interchangeable between trucks and diggers with no configuration required.